EHS Management invites you to join us in commemorating and remembering those who lost their lives while on the job on Workers’ Memorial Day. In 2017, 5,147 workers were killed on the job in the United States – on average, more than 99 a week or more than 14 deaths every day, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fatal falls accounted for 887 of those deaths – their highest level in the 26-year history of the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI).
This national day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work, occurs on April 28th each year. “In addition to paying attention to the data [provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics], employers should also be looking at their own numbers to see the biggest risks facing their workers,” says Deborah Hersman, President and CEO of the National Safety Council. “Committing to eliminating all preventable workplace deaths may seem like a daunting task, but when you think of the families and communities that carry the loss of loved ones for a lifetime, it is the only acceptable goal.”
At EHS Management, we believe all companies should have access to Environmental Health and Safety services regardless of budget. That’s why our system is progressive. It allows you to start at the process step that is most-suited to your current business needs and then advances towards system completion as your time and budget allow. Every worker deserves to make it home safe every day. Ensure the safety of your employees by contacting us for a free consultation today.